AmCham’s 10th Annual Thanksgiving Gala

We are excited to share the highlights of AmChamโ€™s 10th Annual Thanksgiving Gala, a day to reflect, appreciate, and indulge in the warmth of family and friends. The evening was graced by the presence of U.S Ambassador to Tanzania, Ambassador Michael Battle and our distinguished Guest of Honor Ambassador Charles Stith Chairman The Pula Group, whose impactful speech resonated with gratitude and a vision for a brighter and future Tanzania. American Chamber of Commerce in Tanzania was commended for hosting the Thanksgiving dinner, and our Guest of Honor shared profound reflections on the importance of Thanksgiving as a holiday. Ambassador Stith advocated for an International Day of Thanksgiving, emphasizing the connection between gratitude, optimism, and the ability to dream for a better future. The speech turned towards the progress of Tanzania, recognizing the transformation of Dar es Salaam into a thriving city and acknowledging the countryโ€™s journey to becoming a lower middle-income nation. A significant portion of the Guest of Honor speech was dedicated to the global impact of the Green Energy Revolution, with a call for Tanzaniaโ€™s involvement in the Minerals Security Partnership (MSP). The importance of the aligned interests of the U.S. and Tanzania was stressed, encouraging a partnership that could bring mutual benefits, job creation, and contribute to Tanzaniaโ€™s development. As we reflect on the words shared and the visions set forth, let us carry the spirit of gratitude, hope, and acknowledgment for our sponsors into our future endeavors. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our Guest of Honor Ambassador Stith, U.S Ambassador Michael Battle, AmCham leaders, our sponsors main sponsors Delaware Investments and Minara Tanzania, our Gold sponsor EY Tanzania other sponsors Serena Hotel, Hyatt Regency , Coral Beach Hotel, Gran Melia Hotel, Johari Gin, Red n White, White Sands Hotel, Delta Hotel, Sea Cliff hotel, EY, Maasai Watchers, Freedom Computers, @iStore Tanzania and all participants for making this Thanksgiving Gala an unforgettable and impactful occasion.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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