Gracious lunch invitation

Amcham Tanzania Board members are sincerely grateful for the gracious lunch invitation extended to us by Ambassador Ambassador Michael Battle with support of U.S. Commercial Service Aliza Totayo Athanasius Lupatu .

We express our heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to meet with you and discuss potential collaboration.

Your insight and guidance are invaluable, and we eager to explore the possibilities that our partnership can flourish and contribute to shared objectives.

Key takeaway:

1. AmchamTZ to propose solutions on best way U.S Embassy can engage and present an opportunity for meaning

ful synergy.

2. Through the recent Memorandum of Cooperation to Establish the U.S.-Tanzania Commercial Dialogue signed, we will continue to look for ways to help improve the investment climate. The U.S. Secretary of Commerce and Tanzania Minister of Industry and Trade will be meeting biannually.
Looking forward to a fruitful and promising future ahead.

NELSON MSUYA Ebonie Mbeteni Sarah Bisanda CA (SA) (NAM) CPA T Geofrey Daniel Mchangila Amir Lakhani, MSA, CPA Scott Karren Hafsa Sasya Beatrice Mw

akyembe, CSMPยฎ M.ISMIยฎ Carlton JONES


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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